At last my old west town is complete (until I come across something that will have to be added).
Here are the pictures with info on the buildings etc.
For a detail explanation of the walls see my post
Quick and slightly cheating adobe walls
The full splendour of Agujero |
Town sign with notice to hand in all firearms. Agujero means hole in Spanish! |
To the bottom left scratch built watering hole. Centre scratch built coral and lean-to shelter. complete with horse s#*t. |
Scratch built blacksmith lean-to. table and tools from unknown manufacturer. |
Centre bakers cottage (scratch built from cardboard craft box) and brad oven - see my post 'A bun in the oven?' With donkey wheat/corn grinder behind. To the right Marshall's office (scratch built from cheap wooden craft box). Above this is the farmers cottage with animal pen behind. |
Inside Marshall's office.with scratch build bars - idea from Dungeon Crafter (DM Scotty) on you tube, check it out. Notice board at front with wanted posters. All my buildings have no signs stuck onto them so I can use in different settings. |
Farmers field to left, scratch built. Local church with priest. Graveyard - top left is original purchase and the rest scratch built expansion. Grave digger shack to the far right, again scratch built from cardboard craft box. |
Inside of church. I have added doors and scratch built alter. |
Canteena, with fountain out front and loo out back. |
Grub up! inside of canteena. |
Local store with ruined house to the right |
Inside store. Don't think there coming to buy their 5 a day! |
Old ruin house with town sign. |
The rock formations and tree sections are all hand made. |