This Sunday I found myself alone all day and decided to get up,to a bit of mischief by having a Colonial skirmish.
I tend to use 'God save the Queen' a free set of rules that meet my requirements, easy simple, quick and only a couple of pages.
They can be obtained here. LINK. Not bad as he was 11 yrs old when he wrote them!
A unit of Royal Marines and Royal Navy make their way to an outpost with much needed supplies from a nearby port. |
Waiting for them is the local tribal leader, Omah Bin Atum. |
The column progresses slowly. |
Even more slowly! |
Nearly in range! |
All hyped up ready! |
Steady there lads! |
Ok so the gun is old and held together by the Victorian version of 'Duck Tape', but it could still cause some problems for the column. |
Omah's men are on the move. |
Cpt Steel (red fez) local guide and all round hero, notices movement & battalion put into firing line. |
It's gonna kick off I can tell! |
Omah's boys sneak forward. |
First casualty to Omah - top of pic. |
Return fire causes a casualty for her Majasty's navy. |
Omah (the one in the rusty mail shirt) decides to boost moral by raising his personal standard & bring Fatima, the local exotic dancer for all to see! |
Spurred on by this appearance, Omah's men rush the RM on the units left flank. |
They then run away! In response the Navy poor a deviststing volley into Omah's left flank!
Then charge in!
Casualties are fairly even. Although a deviststing close range canister shot from the gun has taken out most of the RM right flank (hence gap) just missing Cpt Trubshaw RN. |
The Britsh form up to give fire. |
Unfortunately they are not quick enough & another deviststing close range shot from the old gun takes out most of the remaining ratings. |
Right, that's it. Enough is enough and the RM take out the gun crew & silance the gun - 'thank The Lord!' |
A final volley from the few remaining ratings finish of Omah and his followers (unfortunately including Fatima - tonight's entertainment now cancelled!). The only survivor is Omah's young son, who vowed to avange his fathers death.
Now the very few remnants can carry on and re-supply the out post. Another costly adventure for Het Majasty's troops!